Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Massage Multiplied


What kind of massage client are you? Do you make an appointment after someone has given you a massage gift certificate? Do you try to get in every now and then for a stress-relieving tune-up? Or do you see your therapist religiously--once a week, every three weeks, once a month? While getting a massage regardless of how often is incredibly beneficial to your body and mind, getting frequent massage treatments is even more powerful as a healthcare ally.

STRESS KILLER One way in which frequent massage can improve our quality of life is by alleviating stress. Experts say most disease is stress-related, and nothing ages us faster, inside or out, that the effects of stress. As stress related diseases continue to claim more lives every year, the increasingly deadly roles stress plays in modern day life is painfully clear.

Massage is a great way to take charge and reverse the situation. It has been noted that frequent massage can reduce the accumulation of stress and improve overall health. The benefits of massage are cumulative. This being the case it only makes sense that those aches and pains you see your massage therapist for might disappear faster, stay away longer, or even go away altogether with more frequent visits. Stress might never reach those physiologically detrimental levels where the immune system is suppressed or the nervous system is sent into an alarm state if you are able to recieve stress relieving bodywork with some consistency. Not only would your body benefitby regularly unleashing its aches and pains instead of adapting to them, but your mind would have time to wash away the stresses of life lived in overdrive.

MASSAGE CAN: Alleviate low-back pain and increas range of motion, create body self awareness. Improve muscle tone and stimulate their nerve supply. Improve elasticity of skin and promote skin rejuvenation. Improve sleep and calm the mind. Increase endorh=phine and seratonin production. Reduce edema ans well as join inflammation. Release negative holding patterns from previous injuries.

When making your next appointment with Pam Disterhaft LMT, 920-279-0753, mention that you saw this article and receive a discount on your next massage. Also don't forget your HEALTHY REWARDS.
artlicle from ABMP